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Do you, or does someone you know need help with a drinking problem?
If you are concerned with a drinking problem, wish to learn more about Alcoholics Anonymous, or want to find A.A. near you, we can help you. Click here for details
Are you a new General Service Representative (GSR) ?
Make plans to attend the 2025 A.A. International Convention scheduled in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Registration Opens September 10, 2024 (Noon EDT)
Some of these documents contain links that will open webpages outside the Area 29, Maryland General Service website. These links do not constitute or indicate review, endorsement or approval. We have provided these links as a service to our members.
Registrar Info
To find your Group Service Number go to group-lookup.
Help an Alcoholic “Bridge the Gap” between Treatment Facilities and A.A.: Click here for more information about how you can help an alcoholic leaving a treatment facility or other institution to continue his/her recovery in A.A.
Your Maryland General Service (Area 29) Officers and Committees
Maryland General Service officers and committee chairs can be contacted by email as shown at Contact Us or write to:
Maryland General Service
PO Box 1834
Frederick, MD 21702
Group contributions can be sent to above address
To Group Treasurers:
Please remember to put your GSO Group Number on all correspondence to Maryland General Service, Inc.