Are you a new General Service Representative?

Welcome to being a General Service Representative (GSR)! You are your home group’s link with the General Service Conference, through which A.A. groups in the United States and Canada share their experience, and voice A.A.’ s collective conscience. Through you, the General Service Office shares up-to-date information with your group, while you transmit ideas, opinions, and facts from your home group, so it becomes part of the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.

Brand new to being a GSR? Here is a to-do list  to get you started.

Please plan to attend our monthly GSR orientation session on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm.

Also, consider getting a service sponsor to help you on your service journey. As stated in the pamphlet Questions and Answers on Sponsorship:

It is the service sponsor’s responsibility to present the various aspects of service: setting up a meeting; working on committees; participating in conferences, etc. In this matter it is important for the service sponsor to help individuals understand the distinction between serving the needs of the Fellowship and meeting the personal needs of another group member…

A service sponsor is usually someone who is knowledgeable in A.A. history and has a strong background in the service structure. The A.A. member is introduced to a new language: G.S.R., D.C.M., area assembly, minority opinion. They will become familiar with the Traditions, Concepts and Warranties, as well as The A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service, Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age and other A.A. literature.

If you have any questions, please email